
Eturi Corp- Making life easier through the power of apps

“Hearing from parents who use ‘OurPact’ and how it’s changed their family dynamic and given them their children back is amazing and one of the best achievements we could have as a company. While Motiv is still relatively new, talking to small business owners about how Motiv has allowed them to give their teams the flexibility they need to work the way they best function is inspirational. It energizes all of us to continue to enhance the product aggressively.” 

 Amir Moussavian- Executive Chairman & CEO- Eturi Corp

In many ways, technology opens up new avenues for connection and networking and brings previously unimaginable knowledge to our fingers.

Whether you like it or not, smartphone apps have changed the world. If you do not have an app for your business, you can be at a significant disadvantage in whatever industry you are in. Your company undoubtedly requires a specialized app developer who will work hard to match your business requirements while staying up to date on the latest technologies. Designing and developing a mobile app can help you reach more customers, gain more client loyalty, and improve your personal life. Amir Moussavian says, “Apps have become an indispensable part of our everyday lives. The significance of those icons on our phones and tablets will only grow as more and more people connect to the Internet via mobile devices.”

Eturi, an expert in remote management software, has two apps – OurPact is B2C, and Motiv is B2B. 

Eturi’s flagship app, OurPact, started the parental screen control category and remains the top-rated screen time parental control app in the market. It is that same innovation and vision that made Eturi Corp enter the SMB market. In 2020 COVID-19 dramatically restructured work practices. Amir realized that the new decentralized way of working left many leaders seeking ways to evaluate the activity of their teams, and from this, Motiv was born. With reporting focusing on team collaboration, Eturi developed the app to ensure the highest level of employee privacy.

Amir adds, “For OurPact, our focus demographically is parents with children aged five through fifteen. However, we mainly want to empower parents to raise thoughtful digital citizens so their children can effectively navigate the ever-growing digital ecosystem. As digital continues to grow in importance in people’s lives, people must become smart digital citizens, especially surrounding social media. OurPact is the one app parents need to help guide their children to healthy digital habits.”

Motiv is the corner-office view into today’s distributed workforce. It is the first productivity app built for business leaders of remote and distributed teams. 

“Motiv’s target audience is the SMB market, focusing on business leaders at companies that remain remote, hybrid, or distributed and are looking to receive productivity metrics on their teams. These individuals in the C-Suite or business leaders who want to ensure their teams work effectively, collaborate on critical projects, and ensure their teams remain engaged and are not experiencing burnout.” quotes the founder.

Part of what makes Eturi successful is that the CEO spends time defining and cultivating the organization’s culture. Amir has always considered culture to be a critical element to the success of a company. But you cannot expect culture to happen accidentally.

“Our commitment to our customers is to consistently deliver the best and most innovative products that offer the most secure services. To ensure we can always deliver on this promise, I make it my goal to surround myself with the best team in the market. Once we bring them to Eturi, we ensure they continue to receive the best training and work in an environment that ensures their innovation can thrive.” 

The team continues to lead the MDM category in innovation and product development, and as such, they are the leaders, helping to pave the way for other companies. While some companies worry about competition, the CEO believes in competition, teamwork, collaboration, and innovation.

“Curiosity is the spark behind every great idea. And because I remain curious, I am a voracious reader, allowing me to stay on top of market trends. In addition, having such a strong, innovative, and trained team also helps keep me at the forefront of market trends. If there happens to be something I missed, they will be sure to highlight it to me with a recommendation on how it may help Eturi achieve their goals.” believes Amir.

The Stepping Stones

“The Chinese have a symbol, wei-chi, meaning “opportunity in crisis.” I’ve always been wired to think about how technology can tackle problems and inefficiencies. I look at every ‘crisis’ or challenge with an eye to how I can help solve that with technology” shares the founder. He adds. 

“For example, when we first entered the Pandemic, my priority was to ensure the safety of my team, which meant a quick pivot to work from home. But with that shift, I experienced how challenging it was to lead effectively from a decentralized operation. I’ve always valued the corner office vantage point – being able to tune into the hum and buzz of my team collaborating. Who is meeting with who? Is my product manager getting enough time with appropriate stakeholders in advance of an upcoming release?

That view went away with the shift to remote work, but I could get a similar picture with technology. With Eturi’s years of experience in remote monitoring software, I also knew I was also the best team to develop a convenient, easy-to-use app. 

Now, I can access those key insights from my device and subsequently use them to make decisions and drive business effectively. The product is available for all business leaders looking to gain an understanding of their distributed teams.”

The power of mentoring

Early in his career, Amir worked with a prominent entrepreneur who became an investor in one of his companies. Besides investing, he mentored Amir and always encouraged him to look at mistakes as investments and think outside of the box, particularly when making important decisions. Amir recalls a powerful incident, 

“At one point, my CFO recommended a layoff as distribution was delaying payment. However, later talking to my mentor, he encouraged me to relook at expenses to identify every other option available to avoid a layoff. Ultimately, we arranged a temporary pay cut for the company’s most expensive team members and executives. When we re-stabilized, we could pay back the individuals who took a pay cut and ultimately keep our entire team intact. Had I taken the initial advice I was given, a lot of people would have been unnecessarily impacted, and the company would have been at a significant loss. We went on to have great success, and I see that moment as a turning point in our journey.” 

The Inside Story

Amir recollects key elements that have been critical to his success: 

He says, “your vision needs to be crystal clear. You need to know your company’s vision inside and out, and you need to believe it wholeheartedly. This was particularly true as we looked to expand our portfolio this year outside of the parental screen time monitoring and parent target.” 

Adding to it he insists on ensuring that the team understands your vision. He believes that to have everyone rowing in the same direction, the team needs to also be clear on the company vision and individual missions executed within the company. He shares that if your team doesn’t have a clear path, it will get lost very quickly. 

Finally, he advises on empowering your team. People are the most valuable assets any company will have. Recruiting people with the right skills and mindset sets you up for success, but you must empower them. That means you help them develop and expand their skills and knowledge and encourage them to use their talents. 

Final Thoughts

The industry has always been dynamic, and that continues to accelerate year after year. 

Leading any company requires the ability to look ahead and make quick decisions – often at the expense of progress you’ve already made towards an alternate goal. This is even more salient in the mobile application solution space, where you not only can take an idea to conception in a relatively short period of time but your competitors (existing and potential) do as well. A healthy combination of creativity, decisiveness, and strong processes are essential to success in this fast-paced field. 

Meet Amir Moussavian

Amir is the founder of Eturi Corp., a San Diego-based software company that develops essential cross-platform solutions for mobile devices, and is the visionary who created OurPact and Motiv. With over 20 years of technology management experience and a successful entrepreneur, Amir has specialized knowledge in nurturing innovative technology companies from start-up to dynamic growth to acquisition.

“One of the most significant factors driving my success is that I never compromise on quality or rush the product to the market. If there is a legitimate need for your product and an urgent market gap, one can ship a product—even before it is ready. The catch here is the quality directly reflects the effectiveness of that organization’s process and can also stain the reputation. “Negative press and brand impressions are difficult to come back from — much harder than the temporary disappointment from missing an internal deadline or not rising to investors’ satisfaction. Always cross your T’s and dot your I’s”.

Additionally, Amir epitomizes what a CEO should be. He inspires, motivates, challenges, and leads his team effectively to drive company success. Throughout the Pandemic, he has ensured the success of the company while always putting his team first. 

But if you ask Amir who he is, he will say he’s a father, a husband, a mentor, and a person who has always been wired to think about how technology can tackle problems and inefficiencies. 

Eturi on Social Media


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