Disruptive Leaders – Business Talk Magazine https://businesstalkmagazine.com Get Business Fri, 06 May 2022 13:44:50 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.0.7 https://businesstalkmagazine.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/Favicon-75x75.png Disruptive Leaders – Business Talk Magazine https://businesstalkmagazine.com 32 32 Caserta – Intelligence powered by data to uncover new insights https://businesstalkmagazine.com/interviews/caserta-intelligence-powered-by-data-to-uncover-new-insights/ Wed, 08 Sep 2021 09:15:34 +0000 https://businesstalkmagazine.com/?p=3102 “If a company wants to survive and stay competitive, they must evaluate their data and extract data strategically. More companies are starting to realize how important that is, and we not only create data solutions, but we counsel our clients on innovative ways to maximize their data. That data insight can increase sales, retain customers, […]

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Your Electronic trash can be someone’s treasure. Donate through the Electronic Recycling Association to create a difference in a human life https://businesstalkmagazine.com/interviews/your-electronic-trash-can-be-someones-treasure-donate-through-the-electronic-recycling-association-to-create-a-difference-in-a-human-life/ Fri, 27 Aug 2021 09:31:05 +0000 https://businesstalkmagazine.com/?p=3041 “ Everyone can do their part to help reduce electronic waste. People should avoid, or at least postpone, purchasing new technologies until they truly require them. Whenever feasible, they can fix equipment rather than discarding them. Users can also trade or recycle their old gadgets before making a new purchase.”  Bojan Paduh – founder – […]

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Meet Dr. Sean James Miller- The Man Who is Bringing a Revolution in Eliminating Genetic Diseases https://businesstalkmagazine.com/interviews/meet-dr-sean-james-miller-the-man-who-is-bringing-a-revolution-in-eliminating-genetic-diseases/ Wed, 25 Aug 2021 04:53:46 +0000 https://businesstalkmagazine.com/?p=3036 Dr. Miller has researched neurodegenerative diseases for over a decade to acquire and build an evolving team of scientists and staff at PDx. They create the most comprehensive patient-specific profile utilizing an interdisciplinary approach incorporating Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Genetics, Medical Brain Scans, and Clinical Reports. The team continues to make groundbreaking scientific discoveries to […]

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Get your business to the top of Google Search Results and generate more revenue with Third Marble https://businesstalkmagazine.com/interviews/get-your-business-to-the-top-of-google-search-results-and-generate-more-revenue-with-third-marble/ Fri, 13 Aug 2021 07:02:44 +0000 https://businesstalkmagazine.com/?p=2993 “ If your vision is to make your business a brand, you can’t afford to be on the second, third, or fourth page of Google search results. You just won’t meet the right audience to make any impact.”   Chris Fawcett- Founder- Third Marble  Chris Fawcett started Third Marble with top engineering affordable Google solutions that […]

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Brian J. Esposito- The founder and CEO of Esposito Intellectual Enterprises and his remarkable Entrepreneurial competence https://businesstalkmagazine.com/interviews/brian-j-esposito-the-founder-and-ceo-of-esposito-intellectual-enterprises-and-his-remarkable-entrepreneurial-competence/ Mon, 02 Aug 2021 11:09:02 +0000 https://businesstalkmagazine.com/?p=2941 Have you ever wondered why some individuals are so successful, doing what they set out to do?  From a distance, they may appear to be superheroes whose feats are unrivaled. However, if you look closely, you will find that the same couple of positive behaviors appear in each and every one of these people. Many […]

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Meet Amanda Brock – The woman who is reinventing open source technology through OpenUK https://businesstalkmagazine.com/interviews/meet-amanda-brock-the-woman-who-is-reinventing-open-source-technology-through-openuk/ Tue, 27 Jul 2021 11:21:26 +0000 https://businesstalkmagazine.com/?p=2923 Open source is rapidly becoming the de facto software development approach. If you work in technology, you will undoubtedly use open source software at some point in your career.  Amanda Brock, Chief Executive of OpenUK, says that many people recognize the value of open source from a technology standpoint, however, open source has had a […]

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Early Birds- connecting together early adopters and innovators to address real-world business challenges. https://businesstalkmagazine.com/interviews/early-birds-connecting-together-early-adopters-and-innovators-to-address-real-world-business-challenges/ Tue, 27 Jul 2021 07:15:36 +0000 https://businesstalkmagazine.com/?p=2919 “We’ve reached the point where we’re not searching for anything to do for ourselves, but rather how we can give value to our society. The idea and solution we have built, has come from the market challenge faced by both the founders.”  Kris Poria  Organizations that recognize and act on possibilities for change via innovation […]

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Bill Johnson: Building a Unique Culture that Persuades Excellence https://businesstalkmagazine.com/interviews/bill-johnson-building-a-unique-culture-that-persuades-excellence/ Fri, 23 Jul 2021 09:40:50 +0000 https://businesstalkmagazine.com/?p=2902 In today’s competitive business world, leadership is one of the most crucial aspects of survival. Leaders who primarily focus on control and end goals or targets rather than the team are unlikely to succeed in these highly competitive conditions. The key is servant leadership, where the leader is focused on setting the direction on customer […]

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Walter Rogers: Disrupting the World of Sales Training and Transformation. https://businesstalkmagazine.com/interviews/walter-rogers-disrupting-the-world-of-sales-training-and-transformation/ Fri, 23 Jul 2021 09:37:42 +0000 https://businesstalkmagazine.com/?p=2898 Walter found his direction at an early age, and he continues to pursue it relentlessly to this day… We will be relentless in our pursuit for perfection. We won’t ever be perfect – but in the process we will achieve greatness. ~ Vince Lombardi Success can never be achieved without traveling roads that are full […]

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One Two One Advisor- Providing InsurTech & FinTech solutions for Insurance, Takaful & Banking sectors using Artificial Intelligence https://businesstalkmagazine.com/interviews/one-two-one-advisor-providing-insurtech-and-fintech-solutions-for-insurance-takaful-and-banking-sectors-using-artificial-intelligence/ Mon, 12 Jul 2021 14:09:23 +0000 https://businesstalkmagazine.com/?p=2881 If a time traveler came in 2021, he would be amazed at how we move around with our smartphones, how virtual digital assistants answer our questions and be perplexed by our addiction to social media platforms. What is now commonplace for us and driven by AI would be completely alien to our time travelers. There’s […]

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