
How to Get Rid of Whiteheads? 13 Best Remedies to Try

Hormonal fluctuations cause changes in human skin throughout time. Whiteheads are one of the various skin problems that the skin can develop, particularly in adolescence. To hydrate itself, your skin naturally creates oil, which it then excretes through pores. When those pores become clogged or blocked for any cause, sebum produced by the sebaceous glands begins to absorb the oil from the skin. Your skin is covered in sebaceous glands, and many of them have the potential to become connected to hair follicles. These irritated hair follicles produce whiteheads. Inflammation may result from aberrant keratin growth, excessive sebum production, or the presence of germs that cause whiteheads.

Strangely, whiteheads might still be an issue for you occasionally after your adolescent years. They can appear for a number of reasons, including as stress, puberty, hormonal changes, heredity, and lifestyle choices. There are several different home cures you can try if you’re looking for ways to get rid of whiteheads organically. Here are 13 best remedies on how to get rid of whiteheads.

13 best remedies on how to get rid of whiteheads

1. Facial steam

Steam exposure enables congested pores to discharge debris and bacteria that have been trapped there. One method for treating whiteheads is to hold the affected portion of the body over boiling water that has been collected in a bowl. By placing a towel over their head to concentrate the steam onto their upper body, they can create a steam tent for the head and neck region. Some people might prefer buying a facial steamer to making steam in a bowl with boiling water. When using a face steamer, one should take care not to burn their skin.

2. Witch Hazel

Witch hazel, which has potent anti-inflammatory qualities, is a natural therapeutic alternative. Moreover, it functions as a natural astringent, shrinking your tissues and soothing sensitive skin to reduce inflammation. More astringent application can occasionally make your skin dry and irritated. So, it is advisable to use witch hazel once daily, and only more often if necessary.

3. Apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar possesses antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, and antimicrobial qualities. Also, it includes antibacterial acetic acid, which can lessen microorganisms on the skin and, as a result, could perhaps assist to minimise whiteheads. It can be used with a toner, face wash, and even a spot treatment. It aids in skin exfoliation, removes additional oil from your pores, and reduces the size of those pores. It is a well-regarded remedy for those asking how to get rid of whiteheads.

4. Lemon juice

Lemon juice is astringent and acidic. Hence, it could balance out too much oil on the skin. Lemon juice’s ability to heal whiteheads or acne, however, is only marginally studied. It can be used straight up or mixed with equal parts water. However, if someone uses lemon juice to treat whiteheads, they should completely wash it off, as citrus fruits can induce phytophotodermatitis, a kind of dermatitis that can happen if a person comes into touch with photosensitive compounds in plants and then exposes their skin to sunlight.

5. Tea Tree Oil

To treat mild to moderate whiteheads, tea tree oil’s anti-inflammatory and anti-microbial properties can be helpful. This organic oil aids in reducing inflammation and redness. Make sure to dilute pure tea tree oil with carrier oils before using it. Studies have also suggested that this natural remedy is a feasible response to the question of how to get rid of whiteheads.

6. Honey

Due to its low acidity and inherent hydrogen peroxide content, honey is regarded to possess potent antibacterial capabilities. Because of its high viscosity, honey can create a barrier that protects the skin from infection. Honey can be used as a mask or a spot treatment. One only needs to dab a little honey on the whitehead to create a spot treatment. One can combine honey and lemon juice to create a face mask that they can apply for 15 minutes before rinsing off.

7. Aloe Vera Gel

Your skin can benefit greatly from using aloe vera gel. In addition to its cleansing abilities, it can remove all the extra oil from your skin. Aloe vera gel can greatly minimise the occurrence of whitehead breakouts when combined with a few drops of lemon juice. Aloe vera gel should be liberally applied to your face and left in place. It’ll penetrate your skin. Double-check your work each day. It’s one of the best treatments on 

8. DIY Sugar Scrub

A sugar scrub made at home is a useful treatment for removing whiteheads. Honey, lemon juice, and sugar can be used to make a homemade sugar scrub. Scrub the face using a circular motion after applying. After a short while, wash your face with water that is at normal temperature. Avoid overusing once you start to get the desired outcomes. This sugar scrub can be used twice a week.

9. Baking Soda

Baking soda, a natural moisturiser, increases your skin’s pH level by replenishing it and, as a result, quickening the treatment of whiteheads. Just combine 3 tablespoons of baking soda with 1 cup of water to make a paste. It should be carefully applied to the face, where it should stay for 15 to 20 minutes. Then, you can wash it off with warm water.

10. Salicylic acid

Salicylic acid is a beta hydroxy acid that helps with exfoliation and has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties. It can be found in many face and body cleansers and lotions together with other anti-acne ingredients. Salicylic acid acts by loosening the connections holding skin cells in a pore so they can be more easily removed. Also, it can lessen sebum production, which benefits those who experience whiteheads due to oily skin.

11. Benzoyl peroxide

Benzoyl peroxide is antimicrobial and has the ability to reduce sebum production. Benzoyl peroxide has been given FDA approval as an acne medication. In order to determine their optimal concentration, a person may want to start with smaller doses and increase them over time. Hair and textiles can both be bleached using benzoyl peroxide. People should keep their hair out of their faces while using products containing benzoyl peroxide, and they should wash their hands well afterward.

12. Mild Retinoids

Vitamin A derivatives are present in retinoid creams. Those with darker skin may not always benefit from retinoids. Hyperpigmentation could result with any retinoid irritability. To lessen their risk of irritation, a person might begin using retinoids gradually and combine them with a moisturiser.

13. Alpha hydroxy acid (AHA)

Alpha hydroxy acids (AHAs) stimulate exfoliation by removing dead skin cells and minimising the likelihood that they will become caught in pores. This promotes the development of new skin cells. AHAs are a common ingredient in skin care products, and certain formulas are designed specifically for dry or oily skin.


There you have it: 13 remedies on how to get rid of whiteheads. Whitehead formation on the skin’s surface can be easily prevented with inexpensive home remedies. But, if these treatments are ineffective, it is necessary to see a dermatologist. Following the accurate diagnosis of the underlying causes of the skin problems, a professional dermatologist would recommend medications and topical therapies.

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