Women are so much more than just a label. They are dynamic, intelligent and strong-willed individuals who can bring about change wherever they go. In addition to being beautiful and kind, women are also brilliant business leaders and entrepreneurs.
Women have proven time and again that they have the ability to start their own business, lead it successfully and empower other women to do the same.
As you read through these empowering women entrepreneurs quotes, you will see how much impact these successful women have had on society. From a young age, they knew exactly what they wanted out of life and worked diligently towards that goal.
These enterprising ladies have inspired millions of others to do the same or at least find their passion in life.
Empowering Women Entrepreneurs Quotes
1. This is what will change the world a ground swell of people pouring their energy into manifesting their preferred future instead of being worn down by disillusion and disappointment. — Molly Carlile
2. What I wanted was to be allowed to do the thing in the world that I did best–which I believed then and believe now is the greatest privilege there is. When I did that, success found me. — Debbi Fields
3. Making the decision to not follow a system, or someone else’s rules has allowed me to really dig into what my own strengths and gifts are without spending time feeling jaded or wasteful. – Ishita Gupta
4. Our fear of the unknown and our fear of making mistakes trick us into focusing on what we don’t know or can’t do. When we give ourselves the freedom to be uncertain and less than perfect, then we can start thinking, ‘What do I know? What can I do?’ That’s when the adventure starts — learning, thriving, conquering, failing, recouping, and having a ton of fun. — Kristin Smith
5. There is nothing like a concrete life plan to weigh you down. Because if you always have one eye on some future goal, you stop paying attention to the job at hand, miss opportunities that might arise, and stay fixedly on one path, even when a better, newer course might have opened up. ― Indra Nooyi
6. Walt Disney told his crew to ‘build the castle first’ when constructing Disney World, knowing that vision would continue to serve as motivation throughout the project. Oftentimes when people fail to achieve what they want in life, it’s because their vision isn’t strong enough. – Gail Blanke
7. I always did something I was a little not ready to do. I think that’s how you grow. When there’s that moment of ‘Wow, I’m not really sure I can do this,’ and you push through those moments, that’s when you have a breakthrough. ― Marissa Mayer
8. If you’re not [learning], you’re falling behind. Somebody else is getting better as you’re becoming less valuable. I see so many irrelevant salespeople I want to cry. They stopped learning.― Jill Konrath
9. Nobody talks about entrepreneurship as a survival, but that’s exactly what it is and what nurtures creative thinking. Running that first shop taught me business is not financial science; it’s about trading: buying and selling. – Anita Roddick
10. Next time, ask: what’s the worst that will happen? Then push yourself a little further than you dare. Once you start to speak, people will yell at you. They will interrupt you, put you down and suggest it’s personal. And the world won’t end … And speaking will get easier and easier. And you will find you have fallen in love with your own vision, which you may never have realized you had. And you will lose some friends and lovers, and realize you don’t miss them. And new ones will find you and cherish you … And at last you’ll know with surpassing certainty that only one thing is more frightening than speaking your truth. And that is not speaking. – Audre Lorde
11. I’ve always been a bit of an introvert, but just because you don’t fit the classic mold doesn’t mean you can’t be a leader. You just need to find your own style and someone with a similar style who you can learn from.― Jess Lee
12. In whatever you do, you’re not going to stand out unless you think big and have ideas that are truly original. That comes from tapping into your own creativity, not obsessing over what everyone else is doing. — Sophia Amoruso
13. It was a risk. I had my husband and I was pregnant with my oldest son. But I don’t look at risk the way other people do. When you’re an entrepreneur, you have to go in feeling like you’re going to be successful. — Lillian Vernon
14. One of the best things you can do is stop and listen; that’s why it’s good to not just immediately respond when someone talks to you. Just stop and make sure you internalized what they said.— Lori Richardson
15. If you are committed to creating value and if you aren’t afraid of hard times, obstacles become utterly unimportant. A nuisance perhaps, but with no real power. The world respects creation; people will get out of your way. — Candice Carpenter Olson
16. Treating people with kindness and respect seems elementary but is not always reciprocated. I often run into people who tell me a story about how I impacted their life — most often by an act of kindness that they never forgot. — April Uchitel
17. It is pure mythology that women cannot perform as well as men in science, engineering and mathematics. In my experience, the opposite is true: Women are often more adept and patient at untangling complex problems, multitasking, seeing the possibilities in new solutions and winning team support for collaborative action.― Weili Dai
These are some of the best women entrepreneurs quotes you should know.
Take away
These successful women entrepreneurs quotes will inspire you to be the best version of yourself and chase your dreams. You can achieve anything as long as you have a passion for it and the desire to see it through.
Whether you want to start your own business or empower other women, these empowering quotes will get you motivated. Women from all walks of life have made an impact in the world and have proven that they have what it takes to be successful in any field. Now is the time to step up and make your mark.
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