Leadership principles are important for leaders to know, understand and practice. Effective leadership is the key to unlocking high performance in any organization or team. Leaders who practice good principles see their teams succeed and achieve new heights. Leaders who don’t practice these principles see their teams struggle and fail to reach their potential. Understandably, many principles matter most.
Different leaders might emphasize different principles more than others. However, most experts agree on which principles provide the biggest impact on an organization or team. In this blog post, we will explore the 11 leadership principles that matter most. These 11 principles are essential to becoming a great leader in any capacity—from team lead to executive director.
11 Leadership Principles You Must Follow
1. Build a Great Team

To lead a great team, you must first build a great team. This may sound like a tautology, but it’s an essential leadership principle many leaders miss. By its nature, leading a team requires you to select the team members.
Therefore, before leading anyone, you must first select the people you want on your team. Selecting the right people for your team is essential for team success. You won’t be able to lead a team effectively if you have the wrong people on it. Building a great team is the first leadership principle that matters most.
2. Hold Everyone to the Same Standards

It’s tempting to treat high performers with a lighter touch. However, high performers often earn that status because they hold themselves to a higher standard than their peers. That’s why one of the most important principles for leaders to practice is holding everyone to the same standards. No exceptions. No excuses.
All team members must adhere to the same standards. Why is this so important? Because it sends a clear message to everyone: “I don’t play favorites. I apply the same standards to everyone else on the team.” It shows that you’re fair and consistent and that your decisions are based on data, not personal feelings or biases.
3. Communicate Clearly

Effective leaders know how to communicate clearly and effectively. They use specific language that their team members understand. Their emails, memos, and meeting summaries are clear and easy to understand. There’s no doubt that this is important.
However, many leaders take it for granted. They think it’s a given that they communicate well. It’s not. Communication is a soft skill that needs to be practiced and refined over time. Just like any other skill, communication must be practiced and improved upon.
4. Show Care for Employees

Great leaders show care for their employees. This includes the stars on your team and the other struggling employees. While most leaders focus on superstars and try to help them achieve even more, struggling employees are often forgotten.
They need attention too. If you show care for employees, you’ll notice who is struggling and could use additional attention. You’ll reach out to those employees. You’ll offer to help them. You’ll ask what you can do to help them improve. If you care for employees, they will feel more loyal to you as a leader. They’ll work harder for you because they feel appreciated.
5. Be a Role Model

As a leader, it becomes crucial to set an example. However, you must also be a role model. It means that you do what you say. You lead by example. You live the values that you espouse. You show that it’s possible to walk the talk.
If you say that you value integrity, but you lie, you’re not a role model. You’re not a role model if you say that you value innovation but refuse to try new things. If you say that you value quality but don’t care about the quality of your work, you’re not a role model.
6. Solve Problems Quickly

Great leaders solve problems quickly. They don’t sit around and ponder the problems that their team members are facing. They don’t ponder the problems that their customers are facing. Instead, they solve those problems as quickly as possible.
Why is this so important? Because if you don’t solve problems quickly, they’ll drag down the entire organization. They’ll create roadblocks that prevent team members from getting things done. They’ll prevent customers from getting the solutions they need. Solving problems quickly is essential for high-performance teams. It’s also essential for high-performance companies.
7. Be a Facilitator, Not a Decision Maker

Great leaders aren’t dictators who make every decision. Instead, they facilitate discussions, ask questions and let team members make their own decisions. This is important because it shows that you trust your team members. It shows that you’re a good leader.
You still have to make the final call on certain decisions. However, you can’t make them all. You have to allow team members to make some decisions on their own. You have to allow them to voice their opinions. You have to allow them to contribute their ideas.
8. Don’t Micromanage Employees

Don’t micromanage employees. Micromanagement is a sign of distrust. It also shows that you’re not comfortable with delegating responsibility. If you micromanage employees, they won’t trust you. They’ll think that you don’t trust them to complete the task.
They’ll feel like you’re hovering over them and watching their every move. This creates a toxic environment. It’s also not sustainable. Eventually, you’ll burn out. Eventually, your employees will want to leave.
Leadership principles matter because they impact the entire organization. They impact every team member and every customer. They impact meeting goals and achieving success. They impact the bottom line.
9. Extreme Ownership

Any group or organization must be led by someone who accepts full responsibility for its successes or failures. There is no one else to blame. The leader must accept responsibility for his or her actions, admit mistakes, and devise a strategy for success.
Leaders are accountable for establishing the team’s strategic purpose, developing tactics, and procuring the training and resources necessary to fulfill the objective. Blame should not be cast upon the underlings when they perform inadequately.
10. There are no bad teams, only bad leaders.

Leadership is an essential skill in any field, and the ability to effectively lead a team can mean the difference between success and failure.
However, it’s important to remember that there are no bad teams, only bad leaders. A bad leader can take a group of talented individuals and turn them into a disorganized, unproductive mess.
On the other hand, a good leader can take a group of average performers and turn them into a cohesive, high-performing team. The Leadership Principles are a set of guidelines that can help any leader become more effective.
These principles include such things as setting clear goals, providing timely feedback, and creating an environment of trust and respect. By following these principles, leaders can ensure that their teams are able to perform at their best.
11. Check the Ego

As a leader, it’s important to check your ego at the door. According to the Leadership Principles, one of the most important qualities of a leader is the ability to remain humble and open-minded. A leader who is too wrapped up in their own ego is likely to make poor decisions, alienate those they lead, and fail to see the bigger picture.
When you’re in a position of power, it can be easy to let your ego get the best of you. However, it’s essential to remember that you’re not always right and that there will be times when you need to step back and listen to others. By checking your ego, you can become a more effective leader and create a more positive work environment for everyone.
The 11 leadership principles that we’ve outlined are timeless and will continue to be important in 2024. However, the way these principles are applied may change as technology advances and new generations of leaders enter the workforce. We encourage you to experiment with different methods and find what works best for you and your team.
As long as you stay true to the fundamental tenets of good leadership, you should be able to succeed no matter what changes occur in the years ahead. How will you apply these principles in order to lead your team into 2023?
Read More
- 10 Best Leadership Podcasts you Should Follow
- 5 Levels of Leadership: To Maximize Your Influence on People
- How to Develop Leadership Skills? 10 Best Ways to Follow
- 20 Best Leadership Books to Read
- 6 c’s of Inclusive Leadership you Should Know

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