Being a leader is a trait. While some are born with these traits, some acquire them with time. If you look at history the most successful businessmen in the world are leaders.
However, leaders must understand how big of an impact they can make with their leadership. Unfortunately, many people claim to be leaders and have a large following but don’t know how to lead. You’re either a leader or a follower.
To say leaders are born prepared would be an understatement for those who made themselves into leaders. In this blog, we will know the top 10 ways to be a leader not a follower.
How to be a leader not a follower
1. Be a strong decision-maker

Leaders are also known as someone who is good in decision making and has the power to influence people with their decisions. That means they don’t need people’ opinion while making a decision.
Apart from that, they also consider how their decision would help or inspire people to do good in the future. Strong leaders always think independently and never let others impact their efficiency.. They always tend to innovate new ways and bring change for the better interest and question the existing system. They push their inner strength towards change to create something good for people.
2. Empathetic

Understanding how other people feel is vital, and some people are just better at it than others. If you know that you’re not good at understanding what others are feeling, become better at it. If you can’t judge by just looking at them, ask them.
Ask them questions like, “How’s your day going so far?” or “Would you want to get a bite after work?” Going for dinner after work isn’t implied that you are dating your colleagues if you’re trying to know them. Many people feel more comfortable when they’re in an open environment where they don’t have the pressure of getting that paper done by tonight weighing down on them.
3. Be disciplined as a person

People who are great leaders have been the ones who follow disciplines. They build a disciplined lifestyle to match their work ethics and drive towards success. As a result, they abstain from being diverted from their goal and empower their employees and followers. You need to develop the attitude of discipline if you are lacking. It will allow you to be a leader, not a follower.
4. Question everything

If you want to be a leader, not a follower, then make sure you question everything you come in contact with. A leader questions his beliefs and everything going on in and around him. Therefore, he is well-versed in whatever he thinks and stands up for that cause no matter what. His capability and practice to question everything make him more convinced of the cause he stands up for.
He can then influence people to become better and gain followers to support his mission and vision towards a change he wishes to bring into the world.
5. Be a risk-taker

A good leader is constantly in quest of transforming things, no matter how little they may appear. He then aims to bring change. To be the change, he needs to make significant changes to his attitude, and one of the most important characteristics of a leader is that he is a risk-taker.
Risk-takers never run away from their troubles but fights the battle. They never shy away from criticism, support their cause, and soon become the change they wish to see.
6. Believe in your abilities

A leader knows what he desires and is not convinced or influenced by what others believe or do. He confronts discouragement and is convinced about himself and his mission. He works towards evolving into a better individual.
Becoming a better individual is what makes someone a better leader. He prepares himself to not break under pressure and face any situation that may turn up. Successful leaders are always composed and think logically rather than steered by emotions.
7. Determined

If you want to be a leader, not a follower, then you have to be determined enough to reach your goals. They said it right “Nothing is impossible .”The only limitations you have are the ones you set for yourself. It might seem impossible, but you have to keep trying. If you get stuck or got down, get back up. Remember, we all get knocked down in life, but there are only 2 choices: whether to give up or keep on trying.
8. Loyal

Loyalty is important, especially when it comes to your goals. Being loyal to your idea helps you in the long run. There may be a time when you don’t know what to do, but you need to keep pushing until you achieve that goal. If you give up on your aim, you won’t make it. It may seem like a good idea to give up on your vision and do the right thing and get a job, but you will grow if you keep moving. Moreover, the people who you surround yourself with also matter.
9. Open-minded

Being open-minded to new ideas is a wonderful tool in being a leader. Leaders don’t always do what they desire. Sometimes they get guidance on how to progress from their teammates. If you don’t allow your teammates to pitch in once in a while, you will never get anywhere.
While discussing new ideas, you have to be ready to hear others’ opinions. If you aren’t ready to listen to others’ opinions, you just come across as pretentious.
10. Be a people person

A leader knows how to convince people to support him in his goal. He takes complete charge of his vision. A leader understands how to work with others and form healthy relationships. He understands how to keep accommodating and professional relationships. He does not become friends with everyone but understands how to get the work done. Therefore, to be a leader, you have to be a people person and influence them.
Final Thoughts
In this post, we have seen how to be a leader not a follower. We have discussed 10 different traits that you need to have to become a successful leader. Make sure you read all of them carefully and implement the same.
Read More
- 10 Best Leadership Podcasts you Should Follow
- 10 Effective Team Leader Qualities You Must have to Succeed
- 5 Levels of Leadership: To Maximize Your Influence on People
- How to Develop Leadership Skills? 10 Best Ways to Follow
- How to Be an Inclusive Leader? 7 Best Tips
- What Makes a Good Leader Everything you Need to Know

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